Balloon Art Entertainment

“When Cake Is Not Enough.”


Balloons Are FUN for everyone!!

meet Me image
To the brave people who book Mister DanTastic for an event:

From observations making balloon art for 15 years - Dan found that the wonderfulness of balloons create an expansion of awareness adults once reveled in as children. What he's noticed is: Balloons help recover that lost childhood at will for us all! 

Balloons help all of us stay young and courageous!

Essayist Charles Baudelaire wrote:
"Youth is a state of mind, a quality of the imagination that creates an appetite for adventure. Nothing more resembles what I call imagination than the delight with which a child (of all ages) absorbs form and color." You think Charles B. was writing about balloons?

So, courageous people, here is why you are in good hands when you hire MisterDanTastic to entertain at your event: Mothers love him! He has 15 years experience making balloon art safely for children of all ages and He has performed at over 3,500 events, with over 100 FIVE star reviews.

He would be delighted to perform at your festival, birthday party, BBQ' name the event, he has probably done it.

Tell MisterDanTastic about your event on the contact form, and he will contact you shortly.

Stay courageous!

Tell me about your event, and I'll get back to you soon!

  • Leland, North Carolina, United States